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Author Topic: Started Today  (Read 3627 times)

Offline bpgolferguy

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Started Today
« on: January 26, 2015, 01:05:48 PM »
Hey everyone!  I just started today.  Decided over the weekend it was time for a change and ran across this diet....and it looked like something I could do!  I'm about 5' 11", about 285lbs last time I checked.  I'm only 29.  I was a college athlete and when I graduated I was at about 235, but some of that was muscle.  Since then it's just been on a down hill swing.  I feel terrible, I look terrible, and I have no energy to play with our 3 year old son.

I started up with my nuts and berries today and LOTS of water and so far so terrible cravings.  What I love is that if you do get a craving you just have to tell yourself "make it until the feast meal."  But I know I also need to be careful with this....I know I can't go insane, but I also don't have to stop cold turkey and immediately start eating baked chicken and steamed broccoli.  That's why I think I'm going to succeed.  I know I need to eat healthier, but this gives me the chance to work up to that.  I didn't have a chance this morning, but I'd also like to do some walking (hopefully everyday) just to get back in the swing of things.  I want to put on some muscle like I had in college, but I don't want to burn out early.  First I want to see weight come off.

I hope everyone continues to check in periodically....I like reading about everyone's experiences.

Offline Storm5

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Re: Started Today
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2015, 08:13:31 PM »
Congrats on starting the diet and keep updates coming.  Best of luck!